Apart from tricks and kicks – brief discussion on key moves in art criticism
Tricks and kicks in “art criticism” Here comes the golden age for artworks. The booming art market does not only rejuvenate the public’s imagination towards art itself, but also renovate the cityscape – with the joint efforts from the Government,…
May Exhibition Review
日期:2014年6月2日 時間:19:00 – 21:30 地點:富德樓9樓 與會者:梁展峰、梁寶山、丁穎恩、阿三、楊陽、郭瑛、楊雪盈 筆錄:徐思玥 ART BASEL HONG KONG 2014 15-5-2014至18-5-2014 香港會議展覽中心 香港灣仔博覽館道1號 https://www.artbasel.com/zh-HK/Hong-Kong 今年的場地空間安排較上年舒服,可以看作品 場內太多射燈,太光,令人眼花,看作品得不舒服 可能因為是買賣場合, 故大會和booth自己皆準備了燈光,導致太光的情況出現 尚能分別出不同的場區,但實際行走時不太明顯 今年的作品多了變化,上年的作品較相似 東南亞地區的新藝術家令人有驚喜 由Art Basel與畫廊洽商,畫廊會自己選擇放什麼作品 Encounter和Publication應是由主辦方邀請畫廊作為博覽會的亮點 以主辦方請策展人負責一系列的活動,邀請畫廊做一個主題展覽,再舉辦一系列論壇活動 它沒有責任幫任何一個所在的城市去闡述(articulate)當地的文化,但它嘗試去做,卻選擇以淺白的方式去表達 入場費不貴,普通觀眾視去ART BASEL為一種娛樂 ART BASEL是否給藝術圈內及圈外製造一種幻想 會場以外的Nadin Party酒會 主題略嫌老土、不太明確 (僵屍?) 嘗試做一個Art-Related Night 裝置藝術& 酒水…
April Exhibition Review
Art Appraisal Club Meeting April Exhibition Review 05/05/2014 1. Ju Ming — Sculpting the Living World 28/02/2014 – 15/06/2014 Hong Kong Museum of Art Overall, the installation, display and the works as a combination is not appealing… in particular the…
March Exhibition Review
Art Appraisal Club Meeting Note March Date: 30th March 2014 Time: 1830 – 21:30 Venue: Hong Kong House of Literature 《Light and Shadow Caravaggio The Italian Baroque Master》@ Asia Society Gallery Italy may just wish to make a fortune by…

And you are now a star and I’m still no one
And you are now a star and I’m still no one ─ Brief notes on female artists in my time LEUNG Po Shan Anthony Female artists “made disappearance” This is a “by-product” of my Doctoral thesis. I was having an interview…
February Exhibition Review
Art Appraisal Club Meeting Note February Date: 22nd February 2014 Time: 18:30 – 20:30 Venue: “Splendorous World” Solo Exhibition of Fiona Wong Lai Ching 16th January 2014 – 15th February 2014 Grotto Fine Arts 2/F, Unit C&D, 31 Wyndham Street,…